Saturday, January 9, 2010

HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! 2-0-1-0

Happy New Year !

It's a new day.....
A new year brings new possibilities, new personal growth opportunities and new beginnings. As the previous year ended I reflected on where I had been, where I wanted to be, where I wanted to go and here I would be going as the New Year approached.

I stopped making resolutions as most do why, because they can and usually are broken. Each day we are blessed with presents an opportunity to build and grow. We can learn to set realistic goals and from that learn to live satisfying lives.

Plans for the new year:
1- Get your finances in order
2- Get your health in check
3- Do away with negativity it only attracts negativity

Most importantly enjoy each and every day. Learn from each and every experience & continue to walk and grow into your existence!

Packing up Your Tent Part 2... Growing in your new existance !

Wow.. it's been 5 months since I wrote Part 1" It's time to make changes" I guess it's fitting since within these five months I've not only made changes, but I have grown tremendously. What changes have you made ?

Now that your tent has been packed it's time to grow into your new found existence. This is your new stage in life where you call the shots and can have a fresh start. You have already taken the necessary first steps in knowing it was time to make changes. Growth comes in many stages. 1- I've learned to become more patient and learn from my surroundings. 2- I've left behind the negative people and situations but have taken with me the lessons learned.

Growing in your new existance...
Often times we prevent ourselves from experiencing new things. We have to learn to move beyond the "what if''s. What if we remain stagnated and never experience what's in store for us ? We can only hold our self accountable in this situation. There's no greater personal satisfaction than in knowing you accomplished a goal that was either on your long term list or your short term list of goals.

Food for thought...
How will you challenge yourself in your new found stage of life ?

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Packing up Your Tent Part 1... It's time to make changes !

Three years ago I was on the receiving end of an important message " Pack up your tent" The abbreviated version of the message is often times we find ourselves in a situation that we know is not bringing value to our lives yet, we stay in the situation because we are comfortable. Knowing this, we build a house where we were only suppose to pitch a tent. We do this at home, at work, in friendships and in intimate relationships. Sometimes there are signs always along the way showing us it's time to make changes but we tend to avoid these signs because we are in too deep or feel change is not possible.

"The Tent"

The tent signifies something that is mobile, you are placed in the situation for a specific purpose, and for a pre-determinded amount of time instead we over stay our welcome and wonder why things are not going acording to plan (our plan)... sound familiar ? This happens because we planted our feet firmly and built a house where we were only suppose to pitch a tent.

"The Change"

The change takes place when one is ready to identify and acccept their role in the situation. In my situation I was the "enabler" ... many of us are. As the enabler I possessed the ability change my situation, this was the first step in identifying how to approach the change.

It's a natural feeling to be hesistant and fear the unknown until you realize that fear Forces Energy Away from Reality. Think about areas of your life where you should you focus on packing up your tent.

Making "The Change" was my first step in ReClaimimg Me ! Are you ready to take the first step to ReClaim You ?

What's next ? Packing up Your Tent Part 2...Growth !

Friday, August 7, 2009

Reclaiming Me.....

Welcome to my first blog post. Life presents many challenges some we tend to think are too difficult to face. This week I have reflected on where I have been in life, where I am today, and where I will go. This is the first step in freeing my self from the "should of 's " " could of 's" and "would of 's" I hope you too will take the time to reflect on where you were, where you are and where you want to be.

About Reclaiming Me:
Reclaiming Me's premise is to be the best YOU, you can be without forgetting "U" in the process. We go through life being what other's expect us to be, doing what other's expect us to do and forgetting who we are in the process. I am a daughter, sister, mother, and a friend but I am still JENNIFER... I have Reclaimed me are you ready to Reclaim "U" ?

Reclaiming Me !